Thursday, January 20, 2011

Infiinite discovery part 67

This fic is rated R


"Torn, my good lad, where have you been?" Tomlin was warming up to his old, if younger, friend. Torn spared no details but grinned and winked.

Tomlin had gotten old. In his younger days he would have put on a sly grin and winked back. Now he smiled, averted his eyes and drew up a virtual map of the sector. "We are here. Do you know where we can find a spare place for supplies that is close?"

Torn took a good look at the map. He whistled. "Can't we go farther than this?"

"Fuel supplies are low so I'm afraid not."

Torn gulped visibly. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Right here. Thought I'd never return to that hell again..."

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