Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vince Vaan part 61

Matthew sat back and reaped the rewards of his tea. He drank a cup himself, not restricting it to the upper class only.

A knock came at his door in his long office. "Come in." He yelled in between sips.

Looking rather sheepish Toque came in. "Yes sir?"

"I wanted to let you know I'll be extending you debt cap to get you out of trouble. How much is it?"

"With all due respect sir, I have taken this debt upon myself. Wouldn't feel right having you pay it back."

Matthew leaned forward, a severe look dawned on his face. He let the moment hang in the air making Toque feel even more uncomfortable. "You borrowed with some shady characters Mr. Wilson. You work here putting everyone at risk to pay down the debt you already owe, thus you put everyone here at risk. I'll not allow it. I want to see your loan 'officer' or whatever you call him to pay back the debt."

Toque knew his back was to a wall. He let slip who it was. Matthew nearly lost it when he heard who the benefactor was.

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