Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Vince Vaan

"All right, that'll be five gold coins."

Toque Wilson scoffed at the man. "What? Why we haven't even traveled a day! I'll not pay you but three."

The driver eyed him steadily. Toque, completely unbeknown to this hand him three gold coins and 4 silver ones. "Silvers for the tip." And he winked.

The driver put the coins aside and yelled at the man. "See if I help you again Toque!"

Toque shrugged his shoulders. "Just can't please some men. Three gold is more than enough for that travel.

"Right. I got to find him. Once I deliver my letter it will be done."

"Toque Wilson."

At the mention of his name Toque turned around. What could pass as a banker and a pair of thugs greeted him. "You owe me Toque. Pay up!"

"Ah yes, ha ha! I have the coins right here."

Toque reached down into the bag at his waste.

"Quit playing games Toque, you know as well as I do what you couldn't possibly-AHH."

Toque whirled dust in their eyes. With the momentum he sprang lustily into a run.

Monday, September 27, 2010


In my youth I raised a few pups such as these. I thought they might enlighten your day. Enjoy :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Roots Part six

Laurisa Laurel Maxeen glided her way out onto the dance floor. The few men she gently pushed aside gaped over their shoulders. At 20 years she was at the top of her game and never looked back. Her past was dead, long live the queen!

Or so she thought.

His little brother came through the crowd. She was unaware of him at first as he seemed to be just another guy in the crowd. Slowly he made his way over to her. She used her usual ploy.

"Yes?" She said.

"You don't remember me do you?"

She shook her head. He offered his hand. "Jared. Jared Jackson."

Her face went from one of peculiarity to downcast. Her eyes turned from him and once again she was 16 years old.

"I found this. Apparently he had it addressed to you." He offered a note.

Laurisa took it and read to herself. Her regret turning in her direly as she began to cry.

Laurisa, I know I wasn't what you wanted, but you always meant the most to me. I remember how we used to take long walks together, stay out late behind your parents back and how you squeeled on the back of my moped. When I offered you my own home made ice cream you squeaked as it chilled your tongue. When we went swimming and I lost my bathing suit you respectfully looked away as I retrieved it. But most of all I remember those kisses you always liked to give me, those butterfly kisses.

I love you Laurisa. And if I'm not the one you want, so be it. But I hope you find someone who loves you as much as you love them. With love Laurisa,


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Roots part five

Oh did she cry.

At first she was numb. The feeling hadn't entirely hit her when she was told. Then slowly it crept onto her. He was never coming back.

Her parents did their best to comfort her. Her little brother offered to do her chores for a month. Through it all she didn't say a word. At the end of the day she pulled from her purse a single photograph of them together, taken four years ago.

How long it had been.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Roots Part four

He exited quietly out the back. She let him go and obviously didn't care for him anymore.

He sighed and reached for his car keys. The ride home was mostly uneventful. His thoughts roamed, from her to the car to his new job as a janitor at the gym. He reached down to turn the radio dial and never saw it coming.

At sixteen years of age Randal Jackson was killed by a drunk driver.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Roots Part three

Sixteen years old. That had a nice ring to it.

Her parents had begrudgingly allowed her to go to a club for the first time in her life. Together with her friends they made the night something to remember.

"Having fun?" Her friend shouted over the raucous music.

"Oh yeah!" She yelled back. More than a few guys were looking her way from across the club. Her elation folded as one in particular caught her eye. Hurriedly she turned her attention back to their table.

"Hey, isn't that?..." One of her friends pointed.

"Nevermind." Laura said, her evening almost ruined by the mere sight of him.

"Looks like he's leaving. Poor guy." One other friend said. Laura shot her a look.

"Aw nevermind him, let's have fun!" Her best friend shouted.

Laura sighed and went out to the dance floor. Slowly, she felt better.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Roots Part two

"Laurisa? Come on, your going to be late for school!"

"Hang on mom, I'm coming."

When she was twelve Laurisa had her first inklings of what womanhood was. She boarded the bus on the way to school. Soon her life would change, what some might call for the better. Others... well, they had a more cynical.

Tom Masters was in her same grade. He had the dark hair and green eyes that marked him ever since. She became is his only desire, her first inklings of love.

"Hey Laura."

She had been daydreaming again, as usual. When she looked up she was surprised to see him there, waving to her. Stupidly she stared open mouth and immediately regretted it afterward.

First hour came and passed. When she opened her locker she found a hand written note in it. Meet me under the bleachers was all it said. Her heart pounded in her chest; could this be?

After school she made her way out to the football diamond. He was waiting there shivering.


"Hey, did you want something?"

"Can I walk you home?" He asked

Her smile was warm "Sure."

"Thanks. It kind of beats a study session with Mr Anderson." and he rolled his eyes.

She gave him of her best smiles. Things were looking up.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Roots Part one

She was stone cold, moved about the floor like she knew. Men were aware the moment she stepped into the room. In her own right she had done it her own way. She was queen bee, and she knew it.

Laurisa Laurel Maxeen glided her way out onto the dance floor. The few men she gently pushed aside gaped over their shoulders. At 20 years she was at the top of her game and never looked back. Her past was dead, long live the queen!

Life was never quite so easy however...

Wow, guess I was wrong

This thing really did went to crap. Oh well, I tried my best. I will try to do more with it later, but no guarantees. You know me :P