Thursday, September 9, 2010

Roots Part two

"Laurisa? Come on, your going to be late for school!"

"Hang on mom, I'm coming."

When she was twelve Laurisa had her first inklings of what womanhood was. She boarded the bus on the way to school. Soon her life would change, what some might call for the better. Others... well, they had a more cynical.

Tom Masters was in her same grade. He had the dark hair and green eyes that marked him ever since. She became is his only desire, her first inklings of love.

"Hey Laura."

She had been daydreaming again, as usual. When she looked up she was surprised to see him there, waving to her. Stupidly she stared open mouth and immediately regretted it afterward.

First hour came and passed. When she opened her locker she found a hand written note in it. Meet me under the bleachers was all it said. Her heart pounded in her chest; could this be?

After school she made her way out to the football diamond. He was waiting there shivering.


"Hey, did you want something?"

"Can I walk you home?" He asked

Her smile was warm "Sure."

"Thanks. It kind of beats a study session with Mr Anderson." and he rolled his eyes.

She gave him of her best smiles. Things were looking up.

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