Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Infinite discovery part 78

This fic is rated R


Chris woke up the next day feeling like he had a concussion. The previous day was not all that great to him. Molly had her head on his chest. The way he looked at her left nothing to question. He lay his head back and waited until she woke up.


"Are we clear?" Tomlin said.

An engineer had come up to make his report. "Looks as though we are. Most systems are damaged in some way but we are still able to move."

Trent grunted. "I don't like this. We're sitting ducks."

"If most systems are damaged then they'll be on stand by. We should be able to run silently then." Tomlin told him.

Torn was also close by. His grin hadn't left his face. "I'm up for another fight, alien or otherwise."

Trent did not return his grin this time. He said nothing.

"I'll be down in the mess all if you need me." Torn told them. He left.

"Might as well get in some quality time with the ladies Trent. We'll be in hell soon enough." Tomlin told him.


Molly woke up, drowsy as ever. She made her way off the bed and across the room, staggering a bit. Chris's look went completely unnoticed.

"I guess I had a bit too much last night." She told him.

Trent decided to let it go. For now.

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