Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vince Vaan part 73

Sarganno stared out the window of a local inn. It called for rain, he could see it in the sky. Vince had left him behind with some of his coin. Sarganno didn't really know what to do with himself. He supposed work would have to be sought for the time being.

Looking down, the hustle and bustle of the city could be seen clearly. Wagons came and went through the town. Dealers hawked goods at the local marts which could be clearly seen from his window. Stores at the other end of the street, farther down, opened for business.

Sarganno's gaze looked down below, closer to where he was. The hairs raised on his nape. Two guards stood there, questioning men in the street. They pointed to the inn he stayed at.

Sarganno hurried to leave.

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