Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vince Vaan part 79

Sanders and his men spoke confidentially in their own tongue around a campfire. Other fires were lit all around them.

"What do you make of him?"

Sanders left off peeling an orange to look at him. The way he said it indicated he did not enjoy Toque's presence. "Don't worry about him. He will be dealt with."

"By who? You?"

"He will go away, once he is given what he came here for." Sanders took a bite.

"Hmph. Tea leaves, a little plant. What good will this do us?"

"Patience." Sanders grunted. He ate some more before responding. "You like gold don't you?"

Most of his men snickered at this. "This is how we take gold from them. They will pay gold for a plant; they are stupid."

"I say we take their gold, not grow some worthless plant." He scowled.

Sanders fixed his eyes on him through his mouthfuls. "Sure, if you want to fight the trained guards with metal lances be my guest. This way we get all the gold we want for nothing."

His men could see the logic in him. The one who spoke was still not convinced of everything. "What if he comes back? What then?"

"We give him what he wants and he'll leave. Or else."

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