Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Reboot; Vince Vaan part 2

"He's over there!"

"After him!"

Toque held his breath at the side of the road. Above him he could hear the thundering of footsteps as a veritable mountain of men, and more gathering to the debtor collection, "gained" on him. He exhaled as all of them turned down the wrong path and ran headlong to collect. Toque turned to watch them go. He nearly jumped out of his skin as a hand came down on his shoulder.

"Toque Wilson, my God, I thought I'd never seen your face around here again."

She was sleek, slender. She had a form most women craved. An oval shaped face matched almond eyes and the dark brown shoulder-length hair marked her. Toque gazed on a familiar face but knew the deadliness behind it.

"Marie Ollon, so good to make your acquaintance milady." He took her hand and kissed it. "Time hasn't withered you at all."

"Spare me the pleasentries Toque. If you came back here I know for a fact that it's something big. You have more creditors in this town than hairs on your head."

"Ah, very true, very true. But, I owe others more, and I must pay my debts one way or another.

"Do you know of a Vaan? A Vince Vaan?"

"Hmm, can't say that I do." Though it does sound kind of familiar...

Toque pulled a letter out of his pocket. "With this I pay off a great debt so I agreed. I must find this Vince before nightfall."

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